’s policies for posting reviews.

You can write reviews for anything you’ve purchased or rented from Reviews are a great way to help others decide what to get by telling them about your experience. doesn’t pay anyone to rate or review content, and we expect reviewers to be honest and unbiased.

How ratings are calculated ratings for products & Subscription or services, and the corresponding bar graphs showing the proportional number of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 star reviews, are calculated based on the products & Subscription or services ‘s current quality ratings from user reviews, rather than the lifetime average value of user reviews, unless the app has very few ratings. This gives users more insight into the products & Subscription or services, and a better understanding of its current state, since products & Subscription or services can change over time, and often add and remove features. We show the total lifetime number of reviews as this provides users with valuable information about the products & Subscription or services ‘s use and longevity.

Ratings for other content on the & its Other platforms are calculated based on the lifetime average value of user reviews of that content.

What others will see when you leave a review

Most reviews are visible to everyone, and the products & Subscription or services will indicate whether your review will be public or private.

Public reviews will show your name and image from your or associated Social account and past review edits. Private reviews are usually for apps in early access or beta testing, and only the developer can see your review, including your name and, account image from your Google account, and past edits. For both public and private reviews.

Ratings and reviews posting policies

Ratings and reviews are meant to be helpful and trustworthy. Reviewing content on is a great way to share helpful feedback and assist other Play users in finding great content and services.

Guidelines for writing a good review

  • Make your reviews useful and informative.
  • Try to include both positives and drawbacks.
  • Keep it readable; check grammar and spelling, and don’t use excessive capitalization and punctuation.
  • Be nice to others.’s policies for ratings and reviews are below. Reviews that don’t follow these policies will be removed, and anyone who repeatedly or egregiously violates them may lose the ability to post reviews on & Associated Platforms.

Spam and fake reviews

Your reviews should reflect the experience you’ve had with the content or service you’re reviewing.

Don’t post fake or inaccurate reviews.

  • Don’t post the same review multiple times.
  • Don’t post reviews for the same content from multiple accounts.
  • Don’t post reviews to mislead other users or manipulate the rating.
  • Don’t post reviews on behalf of others.
  • Don’t misrepresent your identity or your connection to the content you’re reviewing.

Off-topic reviews

  • Keep reviews on-topic and relevant to the content, service, or experience you’re reviewing.
  • Don’t post solicitations, political or social commentary, or anything else that is irrelevant to the content, service, or experience you’re reviewing.


  • We want reviews to be useful, and they aren’t useful if they’re promoting something other than the content or service you’re reviewing.
  • Don’t post promotional or commercial content for any products or services, including affiliate or referral-based promotions.
  • Don’t post phone numbers, email addresses, or links to other websites.

Conflict of interest

  • Reviews are most valuable when they’re genuine and unbiased. They should be written by people who aren’t motivated by financial gain.
  • Don’t offer or accept money, products, or services in exchange for posting reviews.
  • Don’t review content, services, or experiences if you own or work for the business that created it.

Copyrighted content

  • Reviews should be your own and reflect your personal opinions.
  • Don’t post reviews that infringe on the intellectual property rights of others, including copyright.
  • Learn how to remove copyrighted content

Personal and confidential information

  • Reviews are meant to share experiences, and you can express the way you feel about something without revealing sensitive personal information.
  • Don’t post personal or confidential information, such as a physical address or driver’s license number.

Illegal content

  • Your reviews must comply with the law and any terms or legal agreements you have agreed to.
  • Don’t post reviews that contain or link to illegal content.

Sexually explicit content

  • Google Play is intended for a broad audience, and reviews should reflect that.
  • Don’t post reviews that contain, promote, or solicit sexually explicit content.
  • Don’t post reviews that depict children in sexual situations or address them in a sexual manner.

Hate speech is intended for all people, and reviews should reflect that.

Don’t promote violence, condone violence, or incite hatred toward an individual or group based on their race, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran status, or any other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization.

Offensive reviews

  • is meant to entertain and inform, not attack and offend.
  • Don’t post obscene, profane, or offensive language.
  • Don’t post reviews that harass, bully, or attack others.